Saturday, June 20, 2009

ANDREW: The car guy at VW

Magdeburg 2009 229

This blog is going to be about my trip to the Autostadt in Wolfsburg.  It felt like the earliest we had ever woken up, but i was so excited i didn't care.  I think i was the most excited about this trip.  No one else is as interested in cars as I am.  The train ride there was pretty hectic with all of the little kids that got onto the same train as us.  I was so happy to get off of the train, thinking it was time to tour the Volkswagen factory.  However, i was wrong.  We still had an hour before the tour started.  And after listening to the heated politics discussion between Herr Coffman and Jennifer I was more than ready for that tour. 

The tour was awesome.  We got to see the production of the Golf from start to finish.  everything from stamping sheet metal to painting.  They took my camera from me at first though, so sorry, no pictures.  Oh, and our tour guide looked like the monopoly guy, without the monocle.  When we were done with that we got to go to the Autostadt.  It is a huge showroom of the different models of cars that VW makes\owns.  The first one we went to was the Skoda Pavilion.  Amber and i got yelled at here, because we opened the hood to their racing car.  But not before i got a few pictures ;)  We then went around and saw other cars like the Audi R8, the Lamborghini Diablo, and a few older Porsches.  I even bought a Porsche book that i could only find for 60 bucks in America.  I got it for just 20 Euros.  On the trip home we took this God awful placement test that basically did nothing, since our class inst big enough to split up.  After that was done i just put my headphones back on and enjoyed my train ride back home, well back to the Hostel.  Not home yet.  Still got a good little while before that happens

1 comment:

  1. Hey, look at these guys, partyin' it up. Is it always this cloudy?

    Oh, and guys, don't fight, it'll be alright. I promise.
