Monday, June 29, 2009

EMILY: Nachtleben

Sometimes I quite like to fancy myself a seasoned club goer.  I´ve been to my fair share of clubs- big ones, small ones, dark ones, well lit ones.  I´ve been to clubs with big name DJs and clubs with nobodies spinning for the first time.  I´ve been to clubs in London, Miami, Atlanta, and New York City.  And now I can say that I have successfully been to a club in Germany.

For as long as I have been flipping through the pages of magazines such as Gothic Beauty I have known that Germany was the place to go for all things Industrial.  If you wanted underground catwalks and body modifications to the max than you would have to board a plan and prepare for an 8 hour journey.  And so, as our trip starts to wind down I figured that getting to a goth club was a must for me.

Dawn and I prepared to head to The Factory's Depeche Mode party on Saturday night.  After throwing on hot pink fishnets, blinding eyeshadow, and a black leather choker, I was ready.  Our adventure to the club was one to go down in the books, hinging on epic, but when we finally got there I had mixed emotions.


Maybe my expectations were too high, or maybe the theme of the night just drew in an older and more sedate crowd, but the party's turnout was dismal.  Oh, a good amount of people were there, especially as the clock ticked onward, but their creativity was lacking.  Many were in their 30s and 40s it seemed and they danced with merely a swayed drugged look.  Their outfits were akin to everyday wear- pants and shirts, tanktops and sneakers.  Oh, there were a few acceptable people- such as the guy in pvc pants and the girl in a cinched corset.

I had a blast though (and I'm hoping Dawn did too!) and was glad to experience a different side of German culture.  So often throughout this trip I have seen the everyday living- the going to school, to work, doing the shopping.  Now And in a very small way I feel like I'm beginning to fill in the puzzle pieces of German life.

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