Saturday, June 20, 2009

AMBER: Impressions so far

Staying in Germany has taught me so much about different world culture.  I find it so amazing to see architecture from a country that is many thousands of years old!  America is such a young country in comparison.  America does not have anything like I have seen here in Germany.  I enjoy seeing a how the people that live here are so much more involved with being outside and fit.  People here ride a lot of bikes and walk everyday to where they are going.  The food here is more whole foods and not at processed as American foods.  I do not see as much trash on the ground, and recycling is a normal thing here in Germany. 

I am learning a lot as far as the language goes, also.  Just being here and listening to the Germans speak to each other.  I never realized how different the pronunciations were than what I was speaking.  I sound like such a crazy American when I attempt to speak German.  However, the Germans here are very good with helping us with our words and grammatical structure.  I absolutely love it.

I find it absolutely amazing that the Germans are our tutors and tour guides.  They take us to all the good stuff and cut out the crap.  Even though I almost killed myself on the bike tour of Potsdam, that is way more than most Americans can say for themselves. 

Magdeburg 2009 140

The last night I was in Berlin, I went out with Kyle to one of the German club areas.  It was really cool seeing that side of the German night life.  There were street artist selling their art for super cheap.  I ended up purchasing some of it.  The art they produced was nothing like I had seen in America.  The music played was much different than I have heard in America, also.  It was just a great experience that I can chalk up in the memory book. 

Germany is amazing so far! 

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