Monday, June 22, 2009

AMBER: Living in Magdeburg

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I have learned more German here by just going out in the city and communicating with the German people.  Before I left the states I was under the impression that most Germans new at least a good bit of English.  Well, I was kind of wrong.  I have encountered more Germans that do not know English versus Germans that do.  It forces me to communicate in German, if I do not know the word I have to talk around it.  Therefore, I have learned a good bit of communication skills and random words and sayings.  My German grammar is still pretty bad, but I can get my ideas across.  That is the biggest thing that matters.  The teacher today said most German students also have bad grammar.  So I do not feel so bad!

I love how Magdeburg is a laid back city.  It is clean and pretty.  I feel safe when I go walking the city, I do not have to worry about creepy people stalking me or being crazy weird!  Magdeburg is much different than Berlin.  Berlin being the massive city it is, people are always on the go, do not show much patience and there is much more English around.  Being that is is a touristy type city.  Even though we only stayed 3.5 days in Berlin it shows me the differences in these two cities.  Magdeburg not being quiet as big of a tourist city there is not much English.  It helps me get more of the ''German experience''  so to speak. 

Part of the group took a small side to Quedlinburg Germany.

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This town is one of the typical small German cities, with the cute little houses, red tile roofs, and wood in random patterns up the sides.  I thought is was amazing to see, because we have not experienced too much of that being in these bigger cities.  Even though is was a small town, most of the architecture was connected to each other.  You see this more in the bigger cities in America.  I found that really cool! 

Basically I am a saying that visiting so many different places in Germany is helping me get the full north Germany experience!

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