Monday, June 29, 2009

KYLE: Dresden & Wolfsburg

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(At the Semper Opera in Dresden)

So following our stay in Berlin and our trip to Potsdam, we got on the train and headed to our home base for the rest of the trip, Magdeburg. Almost immediately upon arrival (the day after) we boarded another train and headed to Dresden. We stopped in Halle and Leipzig on the way as well. It seems everywhere we went there were big open cobblestone squares adorned with statues of composers, artists, religious figures, etc. and there was certainly no lack of large old churches and cathedrals. Dresden was particularly beautiful, probably why it was the subject of many famous paintings and works of art. Again, my vocabulary and writing ability falls short of describing such an amazing place, so I won't even begin to try.

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(The restored Frauenkirche in Dresden)

Shortly after that trip, we again went on the train to Wolfsburg, the home of the largest automobile factory in the world. We went on a tour of the VW factory and saw the production lines of several of their cars. Unfortunately, we were forced to leave our cameras outside to avoid industrial espionage. After seeing the factory, which was only moderately interesting to me as I'm not too much into car production (though I do enjoy the final product) we went to the Autostadt which was directly adjacent to the factory.

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(Designing our own VW’s at the Autostadt)

The Autostadt was much more my kind of place. The first main building we went into had lots of interesting exhibits many of which were about alternitive energy, fuels, transportation and other things. All of them were very interesting to me because I'm a biology major hoping to go to graduate school to study biofuels. After going though all of that we went to explore the many automaker pavilions. My favorite was the probably the Audi pavilion, though seeing the Bugatti and Lamborghini offerings were also pretty awesome. Overall, the Autostadt is another experience from Germany I'll remember for a long time.



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